Alterra Sili-Mer-G5 Solution 500mL
"Silicon is the essential trace element that is derived from silica, which is crucial to the formation and maintenance of connective tissues in the body. When it comes to skin elasticity, silicon is the element that increases levels of hydroproxine (an amino acid required for collagen) in the body tissues. By creating bonds between the protein molecules responsible for the skin’s capacity to hold onto moisture, it allows for cell repair and renewal. A natural inflammatory, it has also been known to help with eczema and psoriasis.
Beyond repairing body tissue, you may be surprised to discover that silica works wonders for hair, nails, skin and even the gums and teeth! It is known to bring more luster and shine to hair, and to help it to grow longer and faster. By carrying nutrients to the hair follicles, it helps to supply hair with the fuel it needs to grow thick and strong. By helping to balance the body’s hormonal balance, it also succeeds in helping to prevent hair thinning and hair loss." (Herbasanté CA)
Directions for use: Sili-Mer G5 should be taken 10 minutes before meals and the last dose right before going to bed. Ideally, the substance should be kept in the mouth 1 minute before swallowing. Sili-Mer G5 can also be simultaneously applied externally on affected areas for maximum synergy.
Maintenance Program: 1 teaspoon (5 ml) 3 times daily or as directed by a health care professional.
Sili-Mer-G5 Solution is suggested for:
Collagen intake
Joints support
Skin support
Brittle hair and nails
Cellulite and stretch marks